Duties of the President: 1) Preside at all business meetings of this association and the AANS Executive Board. 2) Appoint special committees with the approval of the AANS Executive Board. 3) Establish and maintain contact with the Executive Director of the Alabama State Nurses Association concerning issues of interest to the nursing profession. 4) Serve as an ex-officio member of all committees. 5) Approve expenditures as submitted by the Treasurer and authorized by the AANS Executive Board 6) Be accessible to the President-elect in an advisory capacity for the period of one (1) year. 7) Have the power to disburse funds with the approval of the AANS Executive Board in the event of a vacancy in the office of the Treasurer. 8) Be bonded. 9) Perform all duties as outlined in the AANS Policy Manual. 10) Perform all duties pertaining to the office and represent AANS in all matters relating to the AANS, NSNA or the ALN. 11) Expected to attend both Mid-Year and Annual NSNA Conferences and Council of State Presidents
Vice President
Duties of the Vice President: 1) Assume the duties of the President in his/her absence. 2) Assume the duties of the President in the event of a vacancy. 3) Be responsible for obtaining speakers for the AANS annual convention, and assist with additional AANS annual convention planning as needed. 4) Perform other duties as assigned by the President. 5) Oversee all arrangements and planning for the AANS annual convention, and report these activities to the AANS Executive Board. 6) Be responsible for the compilation and production of the AANS annual convention program. 7) Be bonded. 8) Perform all duties as assigned by the AANS President.
1) Notify all AANS constituent associations of the time and place of all meetings of the AANS. 2) Record and distribute the minutes of all AANS meetings. Distribution of the minutes shall be as follows: copy to each AANS Executive Board member at least one week prior to the next scheduled meeting, and said minutes shall be sent to NSNA, in the same timely manner as per the required method. 3) Keep all records of all official correspondence of AANS and NSNA. 4) Conduct all general correspondence of the AANS as requested by the AANS President. 5) Keep on file as permanent records, all reports, papers, and documents submitted to the AANS Secretary. 6) Complete and distribute a contact list of all constituents and their offices following the AANS annual meeting. 7) Send to NSNA the names and addresses of new AANS Executive Board officers and ongoing activities of the AANS as required. 8) Perform other duties as assigned by the AANS President.
1) Act as custodian of organizational funds and deposit these funds in a bank approved by the AANS Executive Board. 2) See that the system of collecting dues and distributing membership forms is carried out as outlined by the NSNA. 3) Have books reviewed by a Certified Public Accountant within two (2) months, or when AANS funds are available, after the AANS annual meeting. 4) Be bonded. 5) See that the system of collecting dues and distributing membership forms is carried out as outlined by NSNA. 6) File required reports to the Internal Revenue Service as required. 7) Perform other duties as assigned by the AANS President.
Faculty Advisor Donna Guerra
Donna Guerra EdD, MSN, RN, CNE
Dr. Guerra serves as the Faculty Advisor to the AANS Executive Board. Dr. Guerra received her Bachelor of Science in Nursing from the University of Alabama in Huntsville and her Master of Science in Nursing with a concentration on Rural Case Management from the University of Alabama. She received an EdD in Nursing Education and Instructional Leadership from the University of Alabama. Dr. Guerra is a Clinical Associate Professor and BSN Coordinator at the University of Alabama in Huntsville (UAH).